35.33.78N 036.21.94W Low Pressure System

29 April 2023 We are monitoring the weather as there is a Low-Pressure system moving over us for the next 24 – 36hrs. Winds are expected to pick up to 40 – 60kts. Swells up to 5m. About 2am the weather started to pick up as the Low Pressure has begun to creep up on us, blowing up to 30kts. During the late morning hours, the System has moved very quickly, and winds are now up to 35-45kts, Strong gusts of wind with a lot of rain. By 15:00 we have peaked in the storm with winds gusting up to 55kts, swells at 5-6m. We are sailing through it with the Main reefed and cruising a steady 10-12kts & surfing the waves at 15-18kts. Lots of rain and more to come 😊 Everyone is doing very well. All in the saloon watching movies, playing games and jokes are being made. Hope all are having a good weekend. Regards |