17.22.5N 046.16.5W Chores day!

S.Y Maegan
Sun 10 Dec 2023 14:11
10/12/2023 Yesterday afternoon Shaun caught his first fish! A beautiful Mahi-Mahi that we released. Today we woke up early to get cracking on some chores. First task of the day – putting out the fishing rods. The seas are very calm so we can do some laundry, tidy up inside and give our cabins a wipe. Shaun strikes again with a big Mahi mid-morning. Today we kept it – Fillet and release😊 The weather conditions are calm, the ocean is flat with a small rolly swell and a few squalls around. Wind is forecasted to be under 10kts for the next 24hrs – We will be motoring for now. Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday! Regards |