Nicks view from the port hole
Paul Huntley
Wed 3 Dec 2008 11:19
We are often treated with a sunrise to match the
previous night's sunset. The pinks and the turquoises turn to the bright orange
glow coloured by the sands and dust of Africa. It burns like fire well before
the sun rises over the dark continent. Like the deserts and plains which lie
hundreds of miles to the east, the Atlantic ocean is it's own wilderness. Hour
by hour, day by day Libertad determindly drives on through the ocean swell
following in the wake of early explorers and merchant ships with their square
riggs searching for the elusive trades and good fortune. Unlike the foot prints
that betray man's trail in the desert sands, no evidence of their passing
remains. Soon our own wake will disperse too, leaving this wilderness
unspoilt for other mariners to discover. We may pass this way but only
once, but to do so is our good fortune.