We are flying

Paul Huntley
Fri 28 Nov 2008 10:40

22:12.98N 22:32.07W


Good morning to you blog watchers, it’s Friday 28th November. Yesterday afternoon continued in light airs from the N NE force 2/3 The Bimini is providing shade and cool air to the cockpit. Bob and Dave have been fishing with some success catching three and landing one, we have been trailing a pair of lines for most of the day. The forecast for last night said that winds would increase to 15/20 knts and it did, We took the precaution of changing course to 235 degrees and head more to the south in search of the trade winds so, ran  on a broad reach under reefed Genoa and main. As the wind increased the Hydro vane found it difficult to control the boat so we switched to autopilot for the hours of darkness. The night comes early and quickly in these latitudes, from sunset to total darkness in half an hour.

Dinner was prepared by Nick and what a good meal, a piping hot Lasagne followed by tinned fruit and custard. We spent the day in the company of Temptress, after night fall we had a chat on the VHF and he said he would be heading more to the west and so we watched as she disappeared over the western horizon, Good luck Temptress, may you have fair winds all the way.

My watch was the best last night coming on at 20::00 hrs to 22:00 hrs the nothing until 06:00 hrs this morning; I will pay for it to night with a middle watch from 02:00hrs to 04; 00 hrs

We are in the company of another yacht as yet unidentified but, is not carrying an ARC banner so we assume he is a non ARC or NARC.

It was my turn to cook breakfast of Grapefruit segments followed by French toast  and bacon. It is Dave’s watch to wash and clean up after me poor lad .

We are all wondering who, and how many people are following our progress, If you are a blog watcher could you e-mail us at libertad {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com with an identifier in the subject box i.e. your full name , but please keep the message as short as possible.

All the crew are enjoying the contributions they are making and we hope you are getting pleasure from reading them, it would spur us on to know who you all are. We are sailing in bright sunshine, the temperature is heading for 30 degrees today and Libertad is doing 7:5 knots over the ground which the chart tells me is 4815 mts away. The SBB coms are going well with a report of our position at noon each day this is then transmitted to Cowes, the head quarters of world cruising and they place the positions on the Google map showing all the yach, if you haven’t discovered this site yet I its www.worldcruising.com I think I included it in yesterdays blog as well, another senior moment, the older I get the more I have!

Will blog again tomorrow love and best wishes to you all Paul

P.S Crew have just shouted below they have seen their first flying fish ,