What a difference Another "anotrher Day" Makes

Mon 12 Jan 2015 00:52
17 30Nday for Antigua
56 35W
Friday the 10th was a good day with some of the
best sailing so foar. Saturday was completely different. I woke up to fing three
glum crew in the cockpit saying the gas had run out so no morning tea. I changed
the bottle buy still no gas. Further inspection showed that the wire to the gas
cut off soelnoid hsd come off. Unfortunately it is tucked up under the deck in
the anchor locker and it is impossible to reach with 2 hands. So it was a long
morning trying to reconnect it. Even noe it is very fragile and will hav e to be
redone when we get to Antiuga.Then in the afternoos we decided to start the
engine to run the watemaker. It would not start. The fuel in the filters looked
a bit contaminated (plus all the rolling must have stirred muck up in the tank).
So set about changing both fuel filters and rebleeding the engine. But it still
would not start. I t5hough the glow plugs were not working but have not
succeeded in geting one out yet as i can't find a suitablle spanner. Had another
go today and still cannot get it tp fire up- hopefully we can have another go a
the glow plugds and/or rebleed the erngine again.
On the bright side we did 138 miles yewsterday and
this gives us an ETA of Wednesday for Antigua