Departure 16/12/14

Wed 17 Dec 2014 15:07
27 05.6n
16 07.2w
Well this morning the Canaries canary was singing in the sunshine. We rushed around with
final preparations before departure. Fresh bread and pawpaw, settling bills,
last land based e mails and Coralie had here hair cut for the voyage.Weather
forcasts and GRIB files suggested a brisk NE wing with moderate swell perhaps
rough at times.
After a safety briefing and filling with fuel we
left the marina at 1500 and headed south.
Once out of the shelter of the huge harbour we felt
the effects of the swell immediately but once we put the g we were more
There is an area at the south end of Grand Cariaria
island that is known as an "accelleration zone" where the wind speeds up s it
funnels between the islands.
As the evening progresed the swell increased with a
lot of rolling, making andyactivity difficult to do, though were were making
good speed. I've spent a lot of time putting cloths and paper into
shelves to stop things rattling or thrwoing themselves on the floor.
Nevertheless Spag Bol was heated up and served in bowls. By midnight the
wind had got up to 30 knots or more as we crossed the accelleration zone, but it
only lasted an hour or so, Then the wind dropped almost to nothing. As I write
this at 0500 we have 20 knots and are making a good 6 knots speed. Might have to
reef soon.