30km south west of Mazabuka

Beyond the Saddle ....Cairo to Cape Town
Howard Fairbank
Thu 12 Apr 2007 12:07
Position: 15:58.556S 27:36.828E 30km south west of Mazabuka...on the Livingstone road. Cycled 160km today...very easy cycle, predominately flat, tail or cross wind, and 'gentle' scenery. Went through the largish village of Mazabuka which was quite interesting. WE left Lusaka at 06h30 in convoy, as the roads were quite busy and we had to go right across the city. The management here are paranoid about safety! Convoy lasted 12km, and then I was LET LOOSE! I have decided to leave the TDA tour at Livingstone 7 Vic Falls, and will be cycling the section from Vic Falls to Cape Town on my own.....which will be a challenge that I will enjoy! Not sure yet how this will affect the newsletter, but unfortunately as I won't be able to take my laptop with me, this blog will stop from 14th April. More tomorrow H |