Khartoum...I can almost see it...

Beyond the Saddle ....Cairo to Cape Town
Howard Fairbank
Fri 2 Feb 2007 17:00
Position; 15:15.936N 32:17.614E 40km from close now!!

Another big day in the Sahara today....130km of pretty straight flat road, and lighter wind than yesterday, but also often cross wind.

The road was tarred for most of the way...about 20km of roadworks as they just finish the last section of tarring. Huge money going into roads infrastructure in Sudan.....the Tour d'Afrique in three years will be on 100% tar roads...a shame in some ways!

Tomorrow there is an 18km time trial as part of the race, and non-racers can also participate. I will be teaming up with Douglas on the tandem again.....should be fun and we hope to do well. Cyclists leave 1 minute apart and it a straight dash on your own to the finish 18 km's away.

Then a 20km police escort with us in group convoy to the Blue Nile Sailing Club in Khartoum....sounds quite romantic!

More in my newsletter soon!