Another day spent in the blue desert….
It sounds strenuous but every day is different out here, from the weather conditions to the occasional fauna, day after day the ocean has something special to offer.
We have been stuck in a doldrum for about 5 days now but today Poseidon decided that it was time for us to move on and granted us a beautiful 10/15 knots with beautiful sea conditions. We jumped on the occasion, trimmed our big blue kite and here we go again, cruising to our average 9 to 10 knots.
From the rare (or almost non-existent) knock on our fishing rod, another chafing line or the wind getting weaker or stronger, your feelings and emotions are variables of this blue infinite environment. Our compulsory 3 hours every night under this deep and vast set of millions of stars gives us plenty of time to reflect on our day and realise how lucky and blessed we are to just be here.
But let’s be serious for a moment.
Our stock of food is getting low, our creamy full milk bottles had to be mixed with crappy water maker liquid, the usual cereal bowl in the morning had to be cut down to a simple mug and worst of the worst, there’s only 6 beers left….
It takes a lot of mental strength to be able to deal with it, some crew members have already lost it and at night when it is pitch black will spend 5 minutes trying to convince you that there is this imaginary starboard light shining under the left cloud under the boom. Not to worry too much as a good 5 hours of sleep gives them time to recover and be ‘normal’ again the next day.
Predict Wind has become our new BBC daily news live broadcasting. That last comet we’ve all seen last night could have been another missile sent from South Korea to the U.S.?? Who knows but one thing for sure is that on the map it is yellowish down south which is very good news !!
I won’t write too much more as the more I do the more kilobits or littlebits or whatever you call them is added to this post giving Iridium a beautiful income and our Captain a sad invoice.
There is a couple of miles to go and we are all keen for that first step on St Lucia but one thing for sure is that a trans-Atlantic is not something you do every day and that the most important thing to keep in mind is this amazing experience we are all in right now.
Best regards from ‘Gust of Wind’ and its crew.