Calm after the storm

Following the events of the previous couple days, we have been graced with a spell of good fortune. Saturday evening saw the seas settle and the wind find its happy medium, which meant for a pleasant and easy evening of rest and shifts throughout the night. Whilst we sat enjoying a good catch up over the events of the previous day or two, an unexpected squall snuck up on us out of nowhere. The trio on watch saw the perfect opportunity to take advantage and break the top speed to date, reaching 22 knots. Although short-lived this was an additional cherry on the cake; an added accomplishment, another silver lining in what had been a challenging yet rewarding part of our adventure. The evening shifts were graced by the Milky Way and its almost firework display of shooting stars, that left one in disbelief. With not a soul or vessel in sight and the tiniest slither of a moon glistening off the mirror like ocean, we trundled our way onwards leaving the 55 knots of wind and 6 meter swells well behind us, without the aid of any wind instruments and a spring in our step. The early hours of the morning revealed a spectacular sunrise. With the rays wrestling their way through the clouds on the horizon, the most breath-taking day revealed itself. We had a very pleasant morning sailing, reaching 8 – 13 knots on an idyllic heading, one we could only have wished for. Very quickly the heat hit us and the wind started to drop giving us the prime opportunity to get the drone up and in the air. Justin managed some jaw dropping footage at sunrise, with his drone (photos and videos will be uploaded to the Gust of Wind Instagram account and associated FB accounts). Attached is one of the images that should help paint the picture of what our day ahead looked like. We had a gorgeous day, catching up on a few jobs and odds and ends, some housekeeping and some time to catch a couple extra Z’s. Breakfast was a treat to behold; a big, full fry up. Bacon, eggs, sausage, toast coffee and orange juice. Everyone took their time, savouring each mouthful, breakfast ended at what should’ve been lunch. Although we had a LEKKER day, we have now been racing for 7 days and are rapidly approaching the halfway point (should’ve been there already – the storm held us up ever so slightly). Excluding the Kamakazi flying fish, we have yet to catch a fish. All in all, to be fair, there has been a lack of life so far. On occasions, we have had some dolphins and the odd bird or two, over and above the small schools (Flocking school?) of flying fish that arrived in the last day or so. So that’s day 7 Mombak! We are keeping positive and are hoping that, now, we are entering the trade winds and currents, that we might finally see some life, be it another boat or wildlife. Come to think of it we have not seen any other competitor vessels in the past few days – time is flying so exactitudes are not applicable when it comes to time at this point. The afternoon found us sitting enjoying a good laugh over a game of Picolo and cards. With 1500 miles to go, there is a great atmosphere onboard and some phenomenal memories being made, along with new friendships being built. From all on board Gust Of Wind, Good night! Gust Of Wind standing by on 72, OUT. Sam Stuttard |