Mad Night at sea

With a strong head wind yesterday we decided to head North hoping to get a wind shift driven by a high pressure system moving east which would allow us to have a more favourable heading towards St Lucia. The high moved South faster than predicted and we landed in the middle of it with winds up to 40 knots. Heading into it gave us apparent wind of 50 knots with big seas. We reefed down to a third reef and solent and bounced along all night. It looks like the front will be with us all day until at least midnight tonight. Its going to be a long day! The move North will undoubtably hit our position, but should give us a better run for the next few days as the front moves East. Gust of Wind has performed remarkably. No breakages. Although in these conditions she doesn’t beat well. Storm gets worse before it eases so hold thumbs for us. The Storm chasers |