fresh bread, broken cooker latch and wrap on duo

Simon Ridley
Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:15
19.32.02N 21.23.88W
We continse to sail south west on twin head sails at about 6.5 knots with 15-20 knots of wind.
High drama of the day is when was cooking fresh bread the oven door jamed.
Next drama was the dougen stopped charging and faulty was found with cord wraped around its prop. Far too much  stress for a crew that has slowed to cruising speed.
The SSB net has slipped to 5 after 9 yesterday; presume it was because I was the fat controler and no one wanted to talk to me.
Weather is now warm, after a couple of chilly nights it looks like shorts day and night and the midnight thermals packed away for aw while.
Trade wind sailing at its best.