Simon Ridley
Sat 26 Jun 2010 13:46
Today 5 becomes 3 on the good ship Gertha. Last night
was party night in Nykoping (translated to Newmarket in English) and boy do the
Swedes know how to party. Having spend the past 3 weeks visiting cities, towns
and villages where last orders are at 8pm, last night we found a bar serving til
2am! By gum, the biggest party night of the year (apparently bigger than New
Year and Eurovision) and the band did 3 hours of classics entertaining a nearly
full bar, much to our delight. No ABBA though. The 5 bouncers on the door
seemed slightly unnecessary considering how well behaved the natives seem to be,
but a good time was had by all as we got adopted by Robert who enjoyed showing
us off to anyone he could find as the token English revellers.
From tonight it will be three men on a boat until
Gerthie gets left for a few weeks to enjoy the Swedish summer with those of her