Leg 3: Krakatoa to Cocos 160920
Tue 27 Sep 2016 03:14
Tuesday 20th September 2016 Position 06:29.8S 105:07.4E at 1200 (UT+8) Departed Anak Krakatoa at 0700. Original intention was to head for Peucang Island at the far end of the Sunda Straight but the forecast indicated more favourable conditions for the passage to Cocos if we left immediately. Strong SW winds meant good progress, but grey with steady rain . As we left the Sunda Straight we got reached deep water and felt the open ocean swell of the Indian Ocean for the first time. The seas were large and there were several large squalls giving wind to 33kts. A little queasy after spent too long writing up diary. Cooking an omelette in the rough conditions was the final straw. Joined the various board meetings by sat phone in the evening. |