Leg 2: Puteri (Singapore) to Krakatoa 160915

Tue 27 Sep 2016 04:27

Thursday 15th September 2016   Position 1:21.2S 104:43.6E at 2400 approaching Bangka Island

At 0430 I was woken by Neptune for a “crossing the equator” ceremony in the cockpit. It was a beautiful night with a near full moon mostly clear skies and sea like molten lead. Neptune was very convincing. I was doused in water then required to down a miniature of Stolichnaya, which nearly blew my head off at that time in the morning. The crew then shared a small bottle of wine saved from the flight out, before Neptune departed and I went back to bed.

For most of the day we alternated btwn motor-sailing and sailing, where possible. The seas were slight and the surrounding islands very scenic.