Leg 3: Krakatoa to Cocos 160922

Tue 27 Sep 2016 03:14

Thursday 22nd September 2016   Position 10:04.49S 101:58.7E at 1500 (UT +8)

SE trade winds now well-established, generally 12 to 20 kts. Sailing with 2 reefs in the main and 3 turns in the genoa. Bearing of 214T, taking us e of Cocos providing an allowance to bear away later.  Favourable WNW current taking us towards the islands. E-mail from WARC warning of developing tropical low heading for Cocos on 25th /26th September. Our ETA is morning of Saturday 24th September so we have born away to 224T and are making all speed for Cocos to try to get in before it strikes, as entry in strong winds could be difficult. Even so wind is forecast to increase to around 30kts by the time we arrive. The rest of the WARC fleet is just arriving at Christmas Island, and may stay there longer until the depression had cleared from Cocos.