16 March
Thu 16 Mar 2006 19:37
A pudding sea today, going nowhere fast, we are being forced south more than
we would like by n and nne winds however we should be able to recover the
situation later. In the meantime we are concentarting on holding our
northerly position as much as possible. Tim complaining bitterly about cross
Thanks to Leven's mum for putting him on the fishing case. No look yet,
hoping that a flying fish will drop in as bait, Chilli con carne wrappers
don't seem to work.
We are both spending time getting used to using our digital cameras, doing
videos, continuous shooting, etc, should have got it sorted by the time we
get back!
Erden, single handed rower about 150 mile s of us and heading for St Lucia
is having the same problems with making to much south.