Stormy weather

Tue 7 Feb 2006 09:00
Tim and Mick had tried to row for at least two hours in poor conditions when they realised that they were not able to make any progress at all. The waves were getting bigger and the wind was now approaching 6's, perhaps 7's and seemed to be getting stronger all the time. They deployed the sea anchor and decided that they would both have to take to the cabin and wait for the worst of the storm to pass.
The cabin is tiny and is full of essential equipment that takes up quite a
bit of room such as the electronics, rations, personal equipment and the life
jackets !!
They will have to squash in there and wait. They will need to keep the
hatch door closed much of the time to prevent them from being swamped but
will have to open it from time to time to freshen the air in there. If the hatch
door is closed then the boat is self righting and they should be
On a more optimistic note, they said that all the systems were working and
that the boat was riding the storm really well.
Lets hope so !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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