13 08 713N 37 13 536W

Fair Do's VII, Atlantic 2008....
Professor John Shepherd
Tue 2 Dec 2008 06:17
Hi Chris,
Good morning from a slightly becalmed Fair Do's VII!
Our position is : 13 08 713N 37 13 536W
Wind strength: 6.2 knts
Wind direction: 090 (but variable)
Boatspeed: 5.3 knts (A2)
Heading: 312
Historical (last 12 -24 hours):
Wind strength: 5 - 10.5 knts (tended less consistently since early evening last night)
Wind direction: 130 - 065 (started last night on starboard having gybed at 1900, thinking it may have been the gybe home, and expecting to be let down during the night. Breeze went right and we gybed onto a heading of 275 on port around 23.20 remained on that gybe until 0200 when returned onto starboard - hard to figure whether shifts were cloud driven or not as GRIB's indicated it may go right before left through the night)
Boatspeed: 10.3 max yesterday at midday, last 12 hours between 8 and 5 knts.
Heading: 320 - 255
All in all we kept the breeze pretty well and have maintained reasonable boatspeed throughout the difficult conditions, now is pretty desperate but again boatspeed is OK considering. Spotted a boat to our starboard side, though we felt that last night and failed to figure out who it was likely to have been, we went forwards on it so hope Nisida, or Desna - time will tell.
What we could do with is a more up to date perspective of the progress of the trough and our progress through it. We could also do with a steer as to gybing when the breeze is in its right phase, as my understandin gis that whilst it's tempting to point at the destination after all this time, we should get out quicker the more we get west, and a little south as necessary. Also I'd be interested if you believe we have enough leverage/separation on Nisida, P42 and Desna - 60 miles NW, 50 m NNW, and 25 m N respectively to see a situaion where we are making gains as they have less, worse breeze and spend longer (time and distance) sailing through the trough.    
Failing that, we shall continue to ghost along.........
All the best.