Diablo departs Dubai forever
Diablo's cruising adventures
Doug and Clare Hassell
Sun 8 Jan 2023 08:36
We eventually left Dubai Offshore Sailing Club at 1600hrs; Clare, Doug, Katy, Jake, Simon.
Supporting RetinaUK and Eyesea.org.
Sailing to Cyprus via the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and Suez Canal.
Sailed to Mina Rashid with Jemima, Charlotte and Isla (Doug and Clare’s daughter and granddaughters, for checkout from the UAE.
Leaving Mina Rashid at 2100hrs for a gentle motorsail in 6-7kts upwind towards the straights of Hormuz. At 2300hrs the wind increased to 14kts and we put up the Genoa to go sailing. Katy words were “what a beautiful evening in the moonlight and a fantastic start to our adventure!
The Diablo Crew
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