A quick pit stop in Djbouti
11:36.069N 43:7.841E We had a long motor sail as the wind was variable, on the stern and we wanted to make fast progress It was a lovely sunny day we saw 3 warships patrolling and Doug had a radio chat with the Japanese surveillance aircraft! They were a little confused as to who we were even though they were flying directly above us! The harbour seemed to have more partly sunken boats than floating ones We anchored in 4.5m. We were meet by Ahssan who brought the coastguard on board, he seemed slightly disappointed we didn’t have any guns Ahssan then took us to immigration via the dry dock loading bay and a walk across coal dust - not so easy for Katy. Immigration was a far a possible opposite to Dubai. The poor guy couldn’t work the internet so had to call a friend. Still it only took an hour. An engineer came on board to look at the alternator and Katy, Simon , Jake and Clare went ashore to go to the most expensive supermarket we have ever been too! Not surprisingly we brought the minimum. However they re the most kind happy and helpful people On Wednesday Doug set off alternator in hand and the boys in search of diesel Katy and Clare did a tidy up and some cooking using Mr D’s thermal cooker 350 litres of diesel arrived within 2 hours and a couple of hours later Doug arrive with new alternator engineer and translator. Soon the engine was running smoothly. Now we could plan to depart. Katy Simon and Jake went in search of wine and Ahssan took our passports to get our exit stamp and Diablo’s port clearance all of which was done within 70 mins. Ahssan brought some beers to share and we had a few pictures with him He then left and we weighed anchor off we set for what we thought would be Jeddah. Team Diablo Sent from my iPad |