Chance meeting Breary family, ferry service to Vassaliki, another LSC gathering, tidy up D`fly, fond farewells to Bootlegger, where`s the Brompton
38:57.00N 2B0:46.00E
Catch up blogs! Tues 8 July Motor to Sami, meet Rach and Alice off bus, chance meet with Breary family, ferry service to a full Vassaliki M2;M4 S1 9nm;25nm Motor with no wind to Sami. Arrive 1030 to pickup Rachel and Alice. Jane goes ashore to meet bus about 1300, to be hailed by Mark, Yvonne, Ben, Henry and Elly Breary having lunch in waterfront taverna. They had driven up from Lourdas to visit Sami caves. Really good friends from backalong, but our paths don`t cross often now. Knew they were in Greece, but they hadn`t replied to txt finding out where as all phones switched off to save battery, as forgot adapters for chargers! Brief natter, but gotta get going as 5hr passage to Vassaliki to drop off girls returning from UK for “work” tomorrow. F4 headwind decreases to f3, then dies. As get N of Kefalonia decent f3/4 W so super reach last hour into Vassaliki bay. Rach feeling groggy and laidout for most of voyage, till reviving cuppa. Tum bug, prob result of two wedding celebrations on consecutive days! Harbour and outside quay chocca, many Sunsail, so anchor off and ferry girls (plus bags of goodies from home – couscous, basket ball, marmite, tbags, squashed bakewell tarts, and all sorts requested by fellow staff) ashore in duck. Outboard is working after previous failure. No idea why. Get takeaway pizza on way back. Next morning pay quick visit to say cherio to Rach as we`re away for a couple of months now. Find walking wounded staff waiting for her return. (Skateboarding injuries!)
Wednesday 9 July Run ashore, then cracking sail to nearby Sivota M1/4 S2 9nm Depart 1100and unusually able to sail out of bay. Outside standard NW so fast downwind legs and keep sails up right into Sivota[CC1] . Wind dies just before turn to port, so drop main quickly, furl genoa before meet wind funnelling down inside. Spot gap between Brits and go stern to quay. Go to pay for D`fly outboard service, but Simon and Michelle on emergency visit to UK. V helpful assistant, but no bill! Drop off out of date flares at Family Taverna (for Greek Easter celebrations, which is not usually the same date as UK Easter!). Get takeaway chips to go with giant succulent beefburger from Sami meat market.
Thursday `10 July motor to Spartakhori , Meganissi, walk to Little Vathi and LSC catchup M1.5 6nm Get going 0800. Swim stop in cove on E of small island in sound between Lefkas and Meganissi. Seem to be Brit swimmers doing around the island swim with safety boats flying diver flags. Get in Sparta early – plenty of room. Meet up with LSC Coombers and Lawrys. Skip andJane walk coast road to Little Vathi. One hour in much heat, so need icecream stop before return. Quay now v full with fenders poppin. Quick cooldown swim/transom shower before evening beers with LSC gang and other Brits. Many flying home on Sunday.
Friday 11 July Motor N to Lefkas, for chandleries. Spend night on town quay M2.5 11nm Depart 0730 but no Ws as forecast, so motor all way. Go stern to Lefkas town quay. Anchor wench judges drop to perfection leaving 2ft of chain in locker before troublesome rope emerges. Skip visits many chandleries, and SS fabricator. Much joy. Get 15m 10mm chain to add to 45, matching nonslip tape for steps, extra identical short winch handle, and other bits. Fit replacement and new winch handle pockets. Good f4 blowing. Decide stay night. Find interesting food festival ashore – nothing for sale, all giveaway tasters, so don`t need much supper on return to L`la.
Saturday 12 July To Cleopatra, Preveza, to tidy Dragonfly M2.5 9nm Depart 0740 for 0800 bridge opening. At Cleopatra have to hang about till waved into marina berth, so Jane misses 1200 ferry to town other side of sound. Visit D`fly. Tender apologies for mess left on last hasty visit, and tidy up. Next visit will be 23 September when L`la hauled out 0900 for winter, and D`fly launched 1600 for voyage home. Needs megga planning not to waste time as Jamie will be crewing after hol here with Jenny. Buy more bits from Ionian chandlery. Spend time filing out hole to fit new 12v charger socket, and other faffin (gaining knowledge). Bootlegger has arrived town marina, but f5 in sound so too choppy to duck across. Have beer on C pontoon veranda instead, then head to Panos cafe for super value supper.
Sunday 13 July – Unlucky for skip. Meet Frank and Jackie for breakfast. Great sail N towards Paxos but have to turn back M3 S3 30nm Depart 0900 for town quay, and treat of breakfast ashore with Frank and Jackie. Fond farewells as they prob head out to Aegean after visit to IoM for friends 65th. Depart 1115 for Anti Paxos, 25nm NW. Hoist sails 1315 as good f3 fills in. Can easily lay destination. 1400 skip realises Brompton still ashore Cleopatra, safely locked to seat by loos. Tack round and fast sail all way back. Jane not happy. Anchor off Ionian as now tops f4 with much wind driven current so tricky to get alongside. Do some splicing. Wind, as usual, dies by 2000. Row duck ashore to collect Brompton. Germany v Argentina tonight! |