Electrical problem resolved. Cleaning and sight seeing,( see best "car clamping" ever!) then fly back to UK

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 26 Jul 2013 05:56
39:39.0N 19.51.2E
24/25/26 July Jane does laundry, skip does boat cleaning – then day off in
pretty Corfu town before packing for Easyjet to Bristol (arrived early!!)
Still at Gouvia Marina
Arrive Topsham 0230 (0430 Greek time)
Baking hot in Marina and Town – would rather be at sea!
Skip getting concerned as a constant crackle of electrical short somewhere.
Been going for a couple of weeks now. Up at 0300 listening everywhere. Anchor
not down so can’t be earthing thro chain. Keeps going with wind genny off,
obviously nothing from PV cells at this time, switch shore power off, and all
boat electrics. Crackle goes on. Wow – that was a loud crack. Lets google it.
Described as snap crackle pop. Experienced by many others. One chap took all
electrical parts off and tested with ammeter - nothing found. The culprit is
actually snapping shrimps! Perhaps more attracted to D`fly by touch of weed
beginning to grow as last antifoul was late autumn.They have an oversized claw
that snaps as it shuts emitting a bubble and flash of light intense enough to
stun prey, and mystify many a yachted! Sleep relieved.
Boat chores next day. Nice swim pool at marina. Frequent trips for dip as
gets 33C below. All at slow slow pace, adapting to heat. Our mooring gets light
breeze PM, but below stays hot till 0200ish – so sleep in cockpit all/most of
night. No probs with mozzies, but light smouldering whirly anti moz smell stick
just in case.
25th Day off – get 0815 No.7 bus into town. Have to get ticket from mc at
bus stop before boarding. 1.50euros each – change given. Visit booths at port to
suss out ferries to mainland (Igoumenitsa) and to Paxoi as complicated logistics
for various guests arriving/departing when get back for part 2. Will have to
check times of mainland bus S from Igoumenitsa online when home. Really good
chandleries nearby – get new (better style)shower bag, other vital bits and
crackin Christmas pressy for Astra! Also new sheaved kitchen knife as missing
sheath not found despite megga hunt and clean yesterday. Then sightseeing.
Lovely tourist area. Old fort is at end of peninsular – new fort is further
inland. Further on see best car clamping ever – its easy. Policeman has
screwdriver, and removes number plates! His buddy writes out ticket.
Unfortunately we weren’t quick enough to draw camera to get pman walking off
with stack of plates (various sizes) under arm – but did get his buddy doing
tickets. No need for clamping company. Like it! Bus back. Electronic sign says
bus in 69mins, and counts down – arrives on 60, as were heading off to more
shops. Dash back and board! Call in at local sailmaker just outside marina on
way home. Antonious will do made to measure sun covers for fore and heads
hatches, and fit, while we are away.
26th Final tidy up. Eat what’s left in fridge and clean. Remove tilting
bowsprit roller to ferry home in hand baggage – want rounded edge welded on by
Leon so won’t cut thro warp. Poor Batsystem design. Rest of bowsprit system is
brilliant. New Lewmar windlass & deeper chain locker (superbly
crafted/fitted by Trouts) plus new 15kg spade and 40m of 8mm chain has been
great. Leon’s kedge bucket was brill for gash recycling (beer cans/wine bots) on
way, but kedge now in place so will need another system. Perhaps hang out
B&Q bucket. Gantry been excellent too supporting PV cells/wind genny and
other kit to run fridge to cool beer. Chris Scanes awning vital to prevent
frying. Could be a few mm longer/wider (skip had to guess measurements when
ordering back in freezing March), but would be even harder to see windex (don’t
have any TikTac up mast). Tectanks holding tank and hoses/valves (including fart
valve) fitted by Jan been well used. Thank goodness no leaks. Tob’s bow locker
and Jason’s surround looks cracking, tho few bruises getting used to less
kneeroom. Thanks all. Pack up one hold bag. 12tog V quilt squeezed into sleep
bag bag to ferry home. Hope won’t need that again.Taxi hailed from end of
pontoon. Boarded early. Awkward sleep on flight (3hrs5mins). Landed early. Find
J&J’s car in longstay (they departed earlier today for Majorca). Arrive
Topsham 0430 Greek time. Baby left screaming somewhere near. Night night. See
you over next 3 weeks.