Staight to Gouvia Marina, just N of Corfu town, ready for brief visit to UK

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 23 Jul 2013 16:59
39:39.0N 19.51.2E
23 July decide to get back in port a day early and get D`fly ready for a
quick departure when we return in 3 weeks
Depart Petriti 1130
Arrive Gouvia Marina 1645 19nm
Wind S f2
Txt message to say it’s a boy, so future king. That’s odd – wind from S.
Lazy shop/stroll ashore. Slow progress zigzaggin downwind. From 1400 motor on,
then off, and on again etc etc as speed fluctuates towards 2 knts. On way gybe
in to Ormos Garitsas, bay just S of Corfu town, to reccy poss anchorages as have
a number of visitors flying in to/out of Corfu when we get back. S corner looks
promising, but nothing shown on chart/pilot. See weird colour scheme on myacht
as approach Gouvia. Tie up bows to unassisted. Engine off, for at least 3 weeks.
Many more boats in than our last visit less than a week ago – and loads of kids
in swim pool now. Boat chores, laundry and sightseeing over next few days. Corfu
was under Venetian control for a while. Fell to Napoleon in 1797 , but after his
defeat (hooray) in 1813 passed to the Brits. We cocked it up in 1820s, and
eventually (1863, so not so long ago)Corfu and 6 other Ionian islands became
part of the reborn Greece. There’s a cricket pitch and croquet club right next
to the marina, and cricket is still played regularly on the Esplanade in town.
Whites n all. We fly back to UK on Fri. See you all soon.