Blue Sky's Voyage
George & Michael
Wed 24 Feb 2010 03:04
Hello Friends
"0:0N 113:0W"
Today's blog comes to you from zero degrees.
Not Longitude as in Greenwich, but Latitude
as in the Equator.
We celebrated with a glass of bubbly or two
and a splendid macaroni cheese prepared by our onboard chef George.
Naturally, a glass was offered to Neptune
here we are a few minutes
We crossed the Equator just before 1830 boat
time today (GMT -8).
Earlier today we saw another whale close up
- just a few boat lengths behind. A different species from the whales we
saw near Central America, which had a marked spinal ridge on their
backs. This one was at least 10 metres long, was smooth backed with a
noticeable hooked fin. maybe you can identify the species from the 'net
The winds are gentle tonight - only 10 knots
or so - but Blue Sky has been sailing well in light airs and is managing at
least 5 knots this evening with another 1.7 knots of current to help
Nuku Hiva is only 1,700 miles
Best Wishes
Simon, Alex, Michael and George