Rocking all over the sea on a Manic Monday

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Mon 2 Jun 2014 15:12
N34:15:204 W53:32:760
First of all today we would like wholeheartedly to
apologise to who ever we have upset and so deserve the weather we have had.
We're not sure what we did, but we are sorry. We have a couple of other theories
too, just like the grib wind arows, maybe too many people are sending us wind.
We always wish folk 'fair winds and a gentle sea', maybe we are just getting it
all together.
After another busy night on and off the wheel we
approached morning feeling quite confident, it had been a must drier night and
we were looking forward to maybe getting a few bits and pieces dry instead of
which we have been getting more dry stuff out to get wet. To be honest a lot of
the things have been packed away for 5 years so need an airing but not all at
once surely.
We offered some gifts and libations to Neptune but
he is obviously busy elsewhere at the moment.
So here we are 'Rocking all over the sea' (thanks
Ian, you have really got it) on this 'Manic Monday'. Hopefullly the manic wind
will calm down a bit and we can enjoy a peaceful afternoon.
Thank to you folk who have been sending us
messages, it gives us something else to talk about after the download and
upload; We are still working on uploading a photo and will try in calmer
More in dure course.
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda |