Poava de Vazim

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 25 Aug 2009 14:02
Up early this morning and left our berth smoothly for once, that`s the
bonus of getting up before the weather, the wind hadn`t turned on and the
tide was slack so we could go backwards for a change and gently turn to
get away. Added to that it has been a gorgeous day, beautiful sunshine and
a blue sky but no wind once out on the sea so motoring again, well you
can´t have it all ways.
we are now in Poava de Vazim and a very friendly place it is too. We are
planning to go to Porto tomorrow on the Metro so will give you an update
of our adventures after that and once the phone catches back up with us
too the automatic updates will happen again.
Till then, bye for now from Susan Andrew and Andromeda