Well there goes another adventure.....
andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Tue 6 May 2014 11:02
In very light airs (5-7kts) we decided to put the
engine on and continue towards Bermuda. Around midnight the boat stopped and
there was no forward motion. We inspected everything for damage, fluid loss,
breakages, etc. and have concluded that there is major problem with the gearbox,
although serviced in Trinidad late last year.
This means we cannot proceed for the time being and
will try and retrurn to Nanny Cay, if the winds permit, as this is our closest
Updates to follow.......we are ok but obviously
disappointed, though we did catch another bunch of seaweed!
We are currently drifting at 1 kt in a roughly
southerly direction.
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda |