9th Sept - into the Atlantic...

Mike Somerville
Mon 10 Sep 2012 17:24
35:49.578N 005:57.506W

9th Sept - We set off from Gibraltar in lovely sunshine early afternoon and catch the favourable tide hugging the Spanish coast towards Tarifa. The straits are tricky because there is a continual stream of up to 3 knots Eastwards into the med – which evaporates water faster than the rivers can replenish. In addition tidal flow can mean a total adverse W – E flow up to 8.knots. We have chosen neap tides to minimise the tidal impact and have a good passage under power – initially pushing against "on-the-nose" Westerly winds.


Tim’s supper tonight is apple & grape starter, turkey steak with lentils, onions, fresh mushrooms and sweetcorn followed by honey waffle tartlets, fresh satsuma and cream – another day in paradise!


As we cross over towards Tangier and leave the straights close to the Moroccan shore we see many fishing boats and this keeps us on our toes through the night watches in delightful warm and dry conditions and amazing clear sky with dazzling stars – radar doing a great job.