Preparing to start - in Las Palmas
Alize arriving from Gibraltar in
September Key statistics of the initial delievery trip to Las
Palmas from Port Camargue:
1570nautical miles
600 litres water 210 litres fuel used (a lot of motoring) 10 sailing days & nights (12hrs ea) over a 14 day trip 166 engine hrs
the first time since 1989, the start of the ARC has been delayed due to forecast
high winds. A low pressure system is predicted to bring winds of 25 knots
“on the nose” with 35 knots plus in the wind acceleration zone to the south of
Gran Canaria.or more on Sunday night, making uncomfortable conditions
especially with the wind setting against a swell of some 4 – 5 metres from the
North. Cruising and Multihull division were therefore proposed a revised
start date of Tuesday, with the option to join the racing fleet for the original
Sunday start if they wished. As it materialized only some 5 boats in the
Cruising division set off one Sunday. We decided to join the Tuesday start, not
least to retain the fun of cruising with the rest of the fleet, and also to
protect our carefully wrapped vegetables from being turned to puree.
watched the start of the racing division yesterday. With the Low Pressure over
Grand Canaria, the wind was very light and changed direction several times
during and immediately after the start. Eventually the SW wind filled in and
they all headed off for bumpy night Today it is bright, sunny and lovely conditions. The low pressure weather system has filled and moved off towards Africa so conditions look excellent for tomorrow’s start. Just off to bed - we are excited to be setting sail in the morning at 11:00 Mike, Tim, Barbara & Mike