Mid passage to Madeira

Sun 18 Oct 2009 14:24
Making very good progress on the way to Madeira. The first 24 hours were done mostly under engine. The wind came up at dusk last night and we have had a good 15 knot north westerly ever since. We are ticking off the miles averaging between 8.5 and 9 knots. No mutiny as yet and a (relatively) happy crew......the unhappiness created by not only failing to catch any tuna but also losing 2 of our lures over night. I think that they were ripped off by a monster from the deep. Charlie thinks that we were just going too fast and our knots were not good enough. I am sure that you will join me in being concerned about his delusional state. 
Fray bentos for supper tonight. Yipppeeeeee!
Should arrive in Porto Santo at 3am ish - i.e. 12 hours time.