The first 48 hours
Thu 20 Jun 2019 12:56
Just been 48 hours and have covered araound 200 nautical
The first 30 were nailbiting, to some frustration and
very long. Have seen lots of Portuguese Man of War Jelly fish a few dolphins and
when finally sailing in the evening, there was this turtle that refused to move
while passing by at 1/2 mtr. Beautifull sight though.
the whole fleet was drifting around East and West, and
slowly the positions on the AIS faded away.
The breeze was a warm welcome and the Code zero did his
job, untill the breeze stabilised and at 22:00 UTC we hoisted the light weather
spi. The wind was around 10 knots at that time.
To prepare ourselves furhter in the night we did not
want to take any chances and swapped the light weather spi for the
The night went well, bright moon and billions of stars,
and while Scorpio was looking at us, we refuelled our stomachs and went on watch
We're in a high pressure system at the moment and low
that is comming towards us by tonight. It might have occluded but hte weather
won't stay as nice as it has been so far.
We don't know the positon of the others but are curious
how the fleet is moving along. Behind us we have Exhibitionist on our heels and
hoep we can keep off of them.
The wind is now at 15 kts coming south and we're
cruising nicely between 8 and 10 kts. what a difference compared to the last two
Things really start to move and happy to see the counter
below 1.000 miles to Falmouth.
The lunch was great with soup and mix of Fried
potatoes, onion, bacon and egss, eally tasty!
That's it for now and we'll catch up tomorrow with more.
Go for some rest now.
Al our best,