Hello everyone from Cosmo and Zinnia 17:00.95N 61:46.71W

Mon 18 Jan 2010 13:54
The beginning of our blog of the Pacific Bliss
Big aeroplane with lots to look at, it went something like this;
films, games, stories, Bored, kids tv, eat, leggo, snooze, food, film, story,
bored, bored, bored and then just more of the same.
Arrived: Tired, hot, Wait, wait, wait wait, more tired, hot, wait wait
Taxi, supermarket, little house.
First Day
Sleep, but wake up when it's still dark
Cosmo has discovered a kids cartoon channel on the television, he is loving
it. Mummy says he can watch it as there with be no tv for the next 2
Zinzan loves the Lizards and the great Shell Beach 2 mins walk away.
We borrow a car and find a lovely white beach and play in the waves.
We watch a man climb a coconut tree with sideways spikes in his shoes and
no ropes to hold on too, he is harvesting the coconuts, its amazing.
Day 2
We meet a friend called Charlotte from Burmuda, she has lived on her boat
all her life she is 6. Charlotte is a really good swimmer and teaches us to
went to meet Santa in St Johns the capital of antigua. Poor Santa
looks very hot but he is very kind.
Before santa we went to a busy beach, where 2 people were getting
married. Cosmo was very worried about the brides dress getting dirty in
the sand and surf.
On Sunday mummy took us to a Pentacostal Church where everyone was
very kind and welcoming everyone holds there arms up in the air and says
Hallelujha, praise the lord. it was very different to Bosham Church.
Cosmo and I where very tired still so we didn't stay till the end.
Normal day is:
Wake up
School with Mummy
Beach, Swimming Pool
Play Date
Mummy has borrowed a Golf Buggy for a car, it's like driving around
in a go-cart.
hooray daddy is almost here, we have missed him it's nearly 5 weeks since
we saw him.
We drive to Nelsons Dockyard in English Harbour to see Daddy, lots of
cuddles for daddy and all the crew:
Joe Chadwicks daddy
Cosmo's God father Ant, who is Ted and Esme's daddy
Harry and Lukes Daddy
and our lovely friend Giles
It's good to see our bedrooms (berths) on the boat again we are excited
about moving back in to our new home.
2 more sleeps till christmas and we are now on the boat. We put up
our Christmas decoration. But us a husk of a banana tree to hang our
decorations and candy stick from.
![]() Will Santa Arrive . We have posted our letters but we don't have a
chimney. we will leave the mooring light on at the top of the mast and
leave glass of Rum and cookie and carrot at the bottom and leave a hatch open at
the bottom too.
We spent Christmas moored up to a very very old dockyard called Nelson's
Dockyard. It is the oldest in the Western World. And is Named after
Horatio Nelson, we are not sure he would have a proved of all the
superyachts here, We have now started to call them Grumpy Yachts as no one
ever waves even though they see us. Critters had fun here.
![]() ![]() ![]() Santa arrives and what a lovely Santa he has been to both Cosmo and
![]() There is a big party at the Dockyard on Christmas day and we meet up with
some other live aboards, Charlie, Annie and Fred. All day we are allowed
to run and cycle around watching all the music and partying people. We
have a Normal Christmas Lunch on the Boat with Mummy Daddy, Giles and some Dutch
Friends. Before lunch we had people for a party from Australia, America,
Holland and Britain
![]() ![]() ![]() On Boxing day we sail down to a Place called Non-Such-Bay and go to a party
and meet lots of Children who live on this island all of the time. They
never have snow here. We Swim in there pool have lunch and then whizz on
boats to an uninhabited nature reserve. Here we jump off the boats and swim
to the beach.
We sleep here but there are lots of naste biting mosquitos at night.
Daddy pulled Cosmo and me up the mast a bit to do a job
![]() The following day we snorkel alot and see our first Sting Ray. We are
collecting lots of shells and coral to make pictures, necklaces and
28th December
Pia and Jake from Bosham come Sailing with us for the day. They are
very brave and like jumping off the bows of the boat so I dare myself to do it
too, it's at least 2 meters high and great fun. I love swimming to the beach and
hope i will be in the swimming squad when i get back to school.
Sometimes it's very hard for mummy and daddy to drive the boat into island
bays as they are surrounded with coral reefs, and the waves can crash
around the boat and make the boat very bumpy, Cosmo and i think this is
30th December
We wake up to see a Volcano smoking big clouds out of the top of it, it's
amazing , it's on an island called monserat.
![]() Happy New Year
2nd Jan 2010
We Start School.
I wear my school summer dress each day and we do English and Maths,
somedays we like it others it's boring.
![]() ![]() 5th Jan 2010
Today I started to enjoy reading stories.
We have been getting our pocket money in E.C.Dollars (Eastern Carribean)
but tomorrow we are sailing to an island called St Barts so for the next week we
will be buying sweeties with Euros, because this is a French Island. Which
means we get Yummy Croissant and Chocolate Choix for breakfast. We will
speak in French, au revoir for now