Ocean Pearl on the move again !

Mon 16 May 2022 22:57
Having spent about 10 days in the remote, sparsely populated Tuamotu Islands, where the lifestyle of the local Inhabitants is charming but simple and where time has stopped decades ago. Our arrival in Tahiti was a huge contrast . It was like entering a futuristic fun Waterworld. The island is another atoll with a rim of reefs with a number of passes through the reefs to get to the lagoon and access to the island, there are then regularly marked channels navigating through coral and sandbanks to get to our marina .
It was May 1st , a major holiday and, it seemed, all the Tahitians were playing on their boats. We had specific instruction on the protocols of proceeding through the passes and channels. For example at certain markers we had to call the airport for permission to proceed between landings and take-offs. Our mast is over 90ft so a danger to aircraft .
So, we called in on VHF Channel 12 Papeete air Control Papeete air Control
Papeete air Control, This is Ocean Pearl
Ocean Pearl. Ocean Pearl. Can we please have permission to proceed ?
He then checked with Air Traffic Control and came back to us with a ‘No , please await further instructions.’
So we tiddled around dodging the myriads of pleasure boats and eventually got permission but instructions to call again at the other end of the runway .
Meanwhile we surveyed the scene - so many different shades of blue and turquoise indicating different depths. We have a keel depth of 2.9 metres so constantly checking depth is important. Other colours in the water indicate other hazards - greeny - brown on the surface indicates a column of coral which is seriously to be avoided - risking major damage to the coral and also to Ocean Pearl
The channel zigzags between shallow sands , rocks and coral and keen eyes are needed to spot the red and green channel markers.
On the bank holiday everyone was having fun on all kinds of water toys from super-yachts to all sizes of other yachts, catamarans, speed boats, jet skis , kite boards , and in the middle of the shallow areas were straw covered ‘swim-up or jet ski-up bars. An amazing fun waterworld .
Arrival in Tahiti was significant for another reason - our two crew were leaving us after 4 months . Nick , 22 year old Swiss had fallen in love with a crew member of another boat and they were going back-packing in NZ and Will at our request having clearly been unhappy on board since Galapagos which made 19 days crossing the Pacific Ocean very depressing for everyone .
We eventually arrived at Taina marina , to be our base for the best part of 2 weeks as we had a significant TO-DO list including repairs, installation of spare parts, filter changes and other tasks for - the engine, the hydraulic system, the generator , the water-maker, the galley sink pump , the cockpit fridge, the sails, the dinghy outboard . I think that’s all! So the tasks were partly sub-contracted to Locsl tradesmen and the rest, in the abswnce of any crew, done by Roger, while all domestic housekeeping done by Mary.
This has all been extremely challenging, hard work on a big boat! Especially when the nutty sailors are both in their 70s! !!
We put a ‘Crew Opportunity’ sign on the back of the boat, put our name down on a few crew finder websites and stood by fir action. It took a while!
Two days after arrival we had a party and briefing to go to in Moorea, a neighbouring island.
By then Will had left and We sailed with Nic but attempting to do it all ourselves - not so easy! I was just not strong enough for some tasks .
The party was great fun with paddle races, and other sports challenges, a good lunch and locals with a variety of handicrafts to teach and sell.
We returned to our Marina on Sunday 8th and the to-do lust was gradually whittled down.
But so far no queue of applicants to join our crew!
We were then put in touch with a German / French couple, currently in NZ who were seeking a boat adventure fir a month or so. They are both free-divers ie just hold their breath as they dive - Marius can dive fir 4 minutes . The also spear fish! They had an important question to ask us - do we like sushi as they catch a lot of fish!! Marius is also a yachtmaster .
They are excited to be joining us in Bora Bora, our next stop and where we will ‘clear out of French Polynesia. (strict protocols apply entering and leaving each country) and they will sail with us at least to Fiji.
But we still had to get from Tahiti to Bora Bora and I was ‘reluctant’ (unwilling) to risk just the two of us sailing Ocean Pearl . It is not so much the sailing , tho’ lots can go wrong ‘just sailing’ but all the activities associated with raising anchor, handling mooring line sand lots more on a big boat.
Without help we would be stuck in Taina Marina indefinitely!!!
I appealed on the fleet WhstsApp group and a lovely lady called Dana who is Extra crew on another Oyster ahead of us on their itinerary, offered to fly back from Bora Bora and sail with us there.
And that is what we are doing
Dana arrived yesterday evening . All work is now complete and we had a frantic Saturday getting ready to set sail today.
We set off at 3ish, having got all the l mooring lines ready, raised the dinghy onto the Davitts at the stern. Dana was on the anchor - a squall came by - big wind and heavy rain! We all got soaked. The anchor came up OK but with a rope wrapped around it . With help of a boat hook, Dana and I sorted that then we stopped at the fuel dock to fill up - another tricky manoeuvre - and then set sail into the sunset. It is dark by 6pm. We have an early supper and commence the night watch rota. I’m doing 8-10, Dana 10 -12, Roger 12-2, me again 2-4 , Dana again 4-6, Then day rota of 3 hourly stints so Roger 6-9. We should arrive at our first destination ,the Society island of Huahine at around 9 am
it is now 9.25. It is a light night with a really bright moon - some nights are moonless and pitch black , so not too bad tonight and no more rain . Amazingly, I am still comfortably wearing short shorts and a sleeveless T shirt !
Dana will take over at 10pm and I will climb into bed for. 4 hour sleep - if I can sleep! I often listen to a mix of podcasts on my air pods!
I know there are a few ‘blog’ episodes still missing ! I will catch up!
Please again let me know if you have accessed this , if you have any questions about this mad adventure and what is happening in your life
Mary and Roger
Any questions to :
maryhutch101 {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com
Mob: 07778 198338