Position 07:11:00N 84:50:00E

Thu 11 Sep 2008 11:43
11 SEPTEMBER 2008 
Indian Ocean Part 2 - Day 5
The weather continues a bit warm and clammy.  We had clear skies this morning and the cloud has increased during the day.
The favourable South West wind has been up and down between 15 and 23 knots and we have been making steady progress.  Our average speed in the last 24 hours is about a knot over the plan, so we are still pulling ahead of schedule, albeit slowly. 
There has been no shipping at all today so we must be in the middle of BFN.
We have done over 600 miles from Cochin and should reach the half-way mark tomorrow.
Our position is at 1200 GMT (1300 BST).