100% fresh, ethical and open. You dig?

Inanna sailing
Jason and Gro
Thu 25 May 2017 18:23
Firefox is a browser on a mission
Internet Citizen. Protecting the largest share global resource
Growing a healthy Internet takes many hands

My building's community garden started with donated soil and raised beds. Then came tools, tomatoes and trellises. We all contributed, and no one took credit. Our garden thrived, and the joy spread to new places when neighbors moved on.

Like a shared garden, open source software allows newcomers to plant their own seeds. Anyone can view, use and modify the code – and the resulting ecosystem is stronger and more diverse because of it. That's why we stand for open innovation, whether it's in our community gardens or products like Firefox, the last independent, open source browser.
    Mozilla's view
Open source software is the engine that powers a huge amount of the Internet, from servers to operating systems to the bots that fetch your search results. It’s the infrastructure – transparent, trustworthy and collaborative – that makes the Web a truly public resource that anyone can help build. But much like our IRL infrastructure, we have to commit attention and resources to maintain it. Here's how we can do it.
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