Help improve and protect the health of the Internet

Inanna sailing
Jason and Gro
Wed 8 Feb 2017 20:50
The Internet is our largest shared global resource. The healthier it is, the more it benefits everyone.
A healthy Internet needs all of us. Be a part of keeping it open, safe and accessible.
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How healthy is our Internet?
How healthy is our Internet?
Mozilla recently released the Internet Health Report v.01 , an open source initiative to document and explain what’s happening to the health of the Internet. The report covers five health markers that we believe are worth paying attention to: digital inclusion, privacy & security, web literacy, decentralization, and open innovation. For each topic, you’ll find an overview including research from multiple sources, a current prognosis, case studies and more. Feel free to review and annotate right in the margins.
Read the Internet Health Report
Protect your logins
  • 5 steps to protect your logins. More and more of the sensitive, valuable things in our life are guarded through password-protected online accounts — love letters, medical records, bank accounts and more. Web sites use login procedures to protect those valuable things, but how should you protect your logins?

  • Let’s Encrypt has helped add encryption to 24 million websites. Let’s Encrypt aims to lower the technical and financial barriers of access to security technology. Secure, encrypted connections have long been the norm for banking and e-commerce sites, but they weren’t previously considered necessary for other websites, and they could be very costly. Let’s Encrypt makes it possible for a website to obtain and maintain the requisite HTTPS certificate free of charge, and with just a few clicks.

  • Gigabit Community Fund Awards $241,000. Nineteen grant award recipients across Austin, Kansas City and Chattanooga will receive a total of $241,000 for a 16-week pilot period to build, pilot, and scale gigabit-enabled applications and associated curricula that have immediate, measurable effect on classrooms and informal learning organizations. The Gigabit Community Fund is a collaboration with National Science Foundation and US Ignite, to invest in projects that utilize gigabit technology to impact learning.

  • Case studies on open credentials. Digital badges have gained momentum as a way to capture and demonstrate knowledge and achievement. Open Badges are re-imagining ways to recognize learning beyond formal credentialing systems. Funded by the C.S. Mott Foundation, Promising Practices of Open Credentials: Five Years of Progress , highlights case studies from out-of-school learning, K–12 schools, higher education and workforce badging initiatives, as well as lessons learned about designing and implementing open badging systems.

Thursday, February 16th, 2017
Mozilla Curriculum Workshop

7am PT/ 10am ET/ 3pm UTC

Join us for a conversation and to help prototype teaching and learning tools about privacy and security for young people!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Mozilla Science Community Call

8am PT/ 11am EST / 5pm UTC

This month’s call addresses the fusion of art and science. Join artists, designers and scientific researchers to discuss tools and techniques for illustrating science.
Monday, February 20th, 2017
#MozReads Tweet Chat

9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 4pm UTC

Join @MozillaScience and #mozfellows to discuss, applaud, and critique "Dear Data" by Giogia Lupi and Stefanie Posaveca. It’s a 300-page book and corresponding art project that showcases the recto-verso postcard conversation between two designers over 52 weeks, and across an ocean.
Community Spotlight
Link Clark
Link Clark, Code/Interactive (C/I) Austin Program Manager
Code/Interactive (C/I) is a non-profit that focuses on inspiring youth to learn, build, and collaborate with technology. In Austin, TX, C/I operates Coding4TX, a computer science education program that serves teachers and students statewide. Coding4TX has partnered with Mozilla Hive Austin to contribute to allied educational efforts across the city. We had the opportunity to chat with Link to learn more about C/I, Coding4TX and their work to spread web literacy through hackathons and code jams.
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