the first blog from jb

john bradney
Thu 31 Dec 2009 15:21
although we have had the facility to write a diary, and
to report progress, for over a year if not two, its something that we haven't
organised at all. the arrival of a shiny new windows 7 ships computer has
changed that and we will now make a start.
we return to st maarten in the Dutch Antilles next
wednesday after a short stay in the uk for Christmas.
presently exuma is in lagoonies marina in the Dutch part
of the lagoon. we have been working on her replacing the air conditioning and
the battery banks.
the lagoon is divided between the French and Dutch with
an arbitrary dividing line. crossing the border is unimpeded but, if you
bring a boat across you must report to customs and immigration . there is a
fine, possible imprisonment , as penalties and this writer has received a formal
warning. of course you can come in and out in a dingy or take a car up and down
the road - but a boat!! its all to do with harbour dues
however on our return we shall complete our work and set
off again for the uk virgins and in particular virgin gorda.
more later