Day twenty two - it's getting exciting now!

Neil & Tracy Batcheler
Tue 9 Jan 2007 17:57
Noon position 13:17.7N 54:21.8W
Day's run a better 121nm
So, we had a better day's run up to 1200 today, and
we've had a decent easterly force four ever since meaning we're creaming along
at up to 8.5kts under gennaker. Just what we need as we want to get there on
thursday before dark, meaning we really need to average 6kts from here on in. As
usual when we drop the gennaker tonight our speed will go with it but hopefully
we can up the average again tomorrow - fingers crossed!
Today dawned grey and overcast again but by
mid-morning the sun was out and the sky is blue, currently 29 degrees. With
weather like this and being able to sail quickly for a change we could almost
start to enjoy ourselves if we let our guard down! More fish for dinner tonight,
frankly I'd rather have sausages but since we caught the thing I suppose we'll
have to eat it. Something I forgot to mention about Mr Fishy was that after we'd
landed him and prior to bashing him on the noggin, he regurgitated his previous
snack of a small flying fish and a baby squid, so it was three for the price of
one. Just think, if he'd been satisfied with those two and not tempted by the
killer green squidy lure he'd still be swimming around free as a, well, fish.
And I could have sausages for dinner. Ah, kismet.