DAY 19 - trade winds, finally

Tue 9 Dec 2008 12:29
15:08.90N 50:26.20W
7 AM, Tuesday morning
We are catching up speed! Since Sunday we fell into
the desired trade wind, starting easy at 8 -12 kn but throughout yesterday and
last night moderate to strong 15-20 kn, north east direction, offering the yacht
a surf on the beam at steady 6.5 - 7.5 knots, at peaks > 8 kn.
Before (last night) sunset we demounted the spinnaker boom in case a rough
night (forecasted gale strength, but did not happen), and we have since
been on a starboard tack. The last 24 hrs log confirms our improved
achievement; expecting to log 151 miles this 18th day in sea.
Everyone onboard are of course pleased with the
positive shift after some 10 days with 'untidy' and 'chaotic' wind (or
no-wind) pattern. It has really got to our nerves but now spirit is strong
and we are looking forward to catch sight of land perhaps on Sunday.
At noon today we will have 600 nm left. Helena is particularly pleased with the
steady starboard tack since she stops falling out of the bunk during nights
(there is an isle to her right).
Trade wind offers limited sail adjustments and
duties at the helm so life onboard becomes more relaxed. Magnar has taken
his standard position on deck continuously looking to the horizon (surely,
he will be first to catch sight of land). He still, after 2 1/2 week at sea,
struggles with nausea when under deck. Arvid is about to nurse his burn injury
from boiling water in the galley (a few days ago) - only local
1st and 2nd degree and we have appropriate medical supplies onboard to
treat it properly - no problem. And Knut has taken up his daily studies in
celestial navigation. Good luck!!
We push forward at good speed, hope to
maintain the current wind strength until Thursday, at least it's what the
current forecast offers us.
Last 3 days log:
Day 18 151 nm
Day 17 119 nm
Day 16 96 nm
Sunrise at 06:40 AM
Current/previous log, 9th Dec. noon: 2186
15 115 nm
Day 14 112 nm
Day 13 103 nm
Day 12 118 nm
Day 11 103 nm
Day 10 118 nm
Day 9 113 nm
Day 8 117 nm
Day 7 127 nm
Day 6 118 nm
Day 5 150 nm
Day 4 137 nm
Day 3 100 nm
Day 2 120 nm
Day 1 170 nm