DAY 22 - the dream of a cold beer

Fri 12 Dec 2008 12:57
14:08.10N 57:21.40W
We are presumably heading into our second last day
in open sea. A great relief - we all think this
'lake' has been large enough. The cross Atlantic route from Gran
Canaries to Caribbean (we are told...) is the longest open leg
on the around-the-globe sailing route with no possibility to
seek any safe (island) harbor underway.
Since last waypoint (Friday early morning) we have
been sailing with the wind at the stern hence a direction 245 degree even though
it took us 20 degree off-course. Both sails spread wing-on-wing' but it
brought us south in order to obtain a more tactical final course 275+
degree up to Martinique. The wind is coming from east but slightly north
(east-north-east) and we wish to set a starboard
tack on the last 200 miles leg.
Still maintaining acceptable speed, average
5.5 to 6 kn and when the squalls come, up to 7-8 kn. Last night
we enjoyed a good rally at 8.0 - 8.5 kn for a while at 35 knots wind. Sailing is
fun !! Unfortunately, such moments never last that long, and
they are followed by subsequent rain pours.
We encounter a problem with the water production.
Since last 7-8 days (when our water tanks were full) we struggle to
maintain it's level. Now they are both empty. First we thought that we use too
much water per day; "unnecessary" body care and showers, but now we suspect
that, either we have a leak somewhere or the watermaker is not producing even
near to what the flow meter indicates (30 ltr./hr). Most likely a
leak (a fault hose connection?), and it is unlikely that we will come to the
bottom of this problem until we reach shore. Anyway, we are
not too concerned about it since we have less than two days left in open
see and our spare (emergency) drinking water is still sufficient - we have 30
liters left for the remaining two days. Who cares about 'body care' when we can
have a decent shower in Martinique? The shampoo bottle we purchased in Puerto
Rico I can assure is still almost full. That's what an Atlantic crossing is
Drinking water vs. ??.
We take water at breakfast, for lunch and dinner, and as well in
between meals in order to obtain a sufficient body liquid balance.This is of
course critical. But as days pass we dream of something else; an ice cold
pint of beer in Port de France in Martinique. A shower comes next.... We will
get there soon.
Last days log:
Day 21 131 nm
Day 20 137 nm
Day 19 127 nm
Day 18 151 nm
Day 17 119 nm
Day 16 96