Night sailing

The wind just keeps on blowing - day and night. Mostly though we are under control and Qing stays well balanced meaning there’s not that much to do even when on watch. For most of the last 24 hrs we’ve been within 6 or 7 miles of another boat, but since we’re all going in roughly the same direction our closing speeds are low.
Most of last night I could see a single, tiny dot on the horizon, the mast head light of a competitor. She crossed ahead of us in the small hours. Then disappeared from view - taking a more southerly route.
This morning there was another contact on the AIS screen, directly ahead of us although we couldn’t see it until the sun came up. We’ve been chasing this one all day and are gaining slowly. Might even catch him by tea time.
I seem to have found my sealers now. Couldn’t have contemplated writing this much on day one! And we’ve weaned ourselves off pizza and onto omelettes and toasted sandwiches. It’s still a challenge chopping onion and peppers in the galley with the boat rocking and rolling, as is eating with a knife and fork in the cockpit. Will probably leave the bread making until next week!
We put the next waypoint on the chartplotter earlier today. It doesn’t look that far off on the large scale map, but it’s a good 2 days sailing away. So we’ll just sit it out and enjoy the breeze.