The work continues mid March

Sat 17 Mar 2012 08:50
Well it is about a month since this project really started. First there was adulation at the idea, then the reality of how much work we have before us set in!! When the sailors return to land (if ever) we will be having to move house and set up a new busIness. We have decided to clear out all the junk before we go in order to make life easier when we come ashore again. Up till now we have simply kept adding to the household with niknaks mementos etc.
Life on Tomahawk will have much less space so we may as well get on with it now... However that does mean looking at every photo, paperback, ornament, etc and deciding if we really need to keep it? The more we clear the better we feel but it is hard work. Memories are attached to everything we pick up, we have to let go of the physical artefacts before we can let go the mooring lines.. Through this we haves to deal with the "what if I may find that useful?" Way of thinking.
At the same time as we throw out the junk we (or rather I) have to get the boat ready. Last week was a small step forward. I finished putting new sound insulation into the port engine compartment. It is an interesting activity sitting on top of the cylinder head using an angle grinder about three inches from my face as I am twisted sideways to clean up the old stuff. Then the solvents in a small space as I put the new stuff in place.. The engine was never meant to be a workstation and it is covered with all manor of sharp corners that dig in at all sort of places. I am now covered in bruises and pulled muscles.
It will be worth it.
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