N01:34.66 E105:14.08

Tiger Balm on Tour
Gordon Millar & Colette Mullins
Tue 15 Nov 2011 12:04
TIME: 2000
SOG: 6.5Kts
COG: 258M
DTG: 120nm
ETA: 1600, 16 Nov 2011
About 50nm to run to the entrance to Singapore
harbour. We have to cross the main shipping lanes first. We are
already receiving SIngapore Harbour Authority broadcasts on NAVTEX reporting the
VERY large ships (in excess of 200,000 tons) entering the harbour.
The shipping lanes are like a dual
carriageway, with the ships spaced at approximately 12 minute intervals,
or 2 to 3 miles apart; they travel at around 12 to 15kts.
Vessels under 100 tons (that's us) have no right
of way, so we have to position ourselves to make a "run", at 90 degrees, across
each lane in turn. There is plenty of space between each ship, and between
each lane. We basically aim to pass 100 metres behind one ship, then once we
have crossed the first lane we parallel the second one, and position ourselves
to do it again. Last time we did it without AIS, this time it should be a little
easier to judge distances, and we will have the exact speed of the ships we are
avoiding - I love technology!!
The last 6 hours has been uncomfortable, with a 15
to 18kt Northerly wind on our starboard beam. We are rolling and pitching quite
a lot, which makes sleeping, or moving around difficult. We are also
encountering more traffic from Singapore, but so far all have had AIS and have
been easy to avoid.