Thursday update

Thu 13 Apr 2017 17:39
> A busy day up at dawn to catch the cool air before the sun makes working a real effort.
> Managed to top up the fuel tank after repairs to the leaking stock ok yesterday. Filled up all 13 spare fuel jerry cans with diesel and two others with petrol. If Eddy and I go back on the direct route to the Azores we will spend many days or even over a week in the variable light airs zone surround the Azores High so will need all the engine fuel that we can carry. The petrol is for the little Honda generator shown in the photo we will use this for major battery recharges when solar and wind generator are not enough. I serviced the generator during my visit here in December and was very pleased to see it fire up second time today.
> The engine starter battery has suffered over the last year with much fluid evaporating so it took over two litres of distilled water to return the acid water levels to the correct level. I think it will have problems turning over the big Diesel engine so today Ted kindly funded me for a new replacement which is currently on charge in the marine shop and I'll collect it at 4PM and then fit it tomorrow.
> I'm also making the cockpit was watertight as possible. Filling in any screw holes, holes for wires and aerials and sealing the locker tops. If we come back via the Northern route we could be subject to gales and even storm force winds. In high seas the cockpit can be flooded by a breaking wave and so it is important to block off holes into the boat. The second photo shows a plywood block over the outlet for the mizzen mast wires.
> Finally today I've also been making the gas locker gas tight by applying sealant along all the joints and bracing the floor and sides. A new lick of paint has also been applied as can be seen in the last photo.
> David
> Jolly Harbour
> Sent from my iPad