San Sebastian La Gomera 28 05.357N 017 06.519W

Date: Monday
23rd November 2015 Position: Moored
in Marina La Gomera, San Sebastian Harbour
realize that it has been some time since my last blog over two weeks in fact.
It is remiss of me not to have update you all sooner but since arriving in La
Gomera I have taken a kind of holiday before getting stuck in and making my final
preparations for the Atlantic crossing, so please forgive me. I left you last en route to La Palma, which
was 250nm from Madeira. It was an
interesting passage with one or two incidents occurring to get to old heart
pumping. The passage should have taken
about two and a half days and the weather information predicted very light
winds so I was expecting to do most of it under engine. I set off from Quinta do Lorde marina at 12
noon on Wednesday the 4th November and my expected ETA at Santa Cruz
harbour on La Palma was around late afternoon on Friday 6th November
giving me two nights at sea. The first
incident occurred late afternoon on the first day just as I was preparing
supper. For some reason I took a glance
at the alternator regulator panel and the message displayed said, “alternator
overheating”. I immediately leaped up
into the cockpit and turned the engine off before any serious damage could be
done. When I removed the engine cover
the problem was immediately obvious, there was a crack in the water pump drive belt
so the water pump had not been doing its job properly. This was no big deal as such but had I not
noticed the alternator was overheating it could have ended up a much more
serious problem and at worst seizing up the engine. This was an issue that had played on my mind
when motoring for hours at a time. It is
not possible to keep looking at the instruments all the time and I knew that
the alarm that should sound if the engine overheats was not working. My fear had been justified and I was lucky
that I had looked at the alternator panel just at the right time. I have now ordered a new sensor and alarm,
which I will fit before leaving on the long haul across the Atlantic. Anyway, I changed the belt out and while I
was at it I changed the alternator belt too as I knew this was also coming to
the end of its useful life. The job took
around an hour to complete and we were soon up and running again and back on
track for La Palma. It was not long
after this that a gentle breeze set in.
Nothing special around 8 knots but just enough to keep Celtic Dawn
moving along nicely. I decided to set
the sails to give the engine a good rest and we sailed along at between 2 ½ to
3 knots which, while not that fast was a pleasant change from having the engine
on all the time. I then reassessed my
passage plan. I have mentioned before
that I do not like to enter a new harbour in the dark if I can help it. I worked out that in order to arrive at Santa
Cruz before dark I would need to motor all the way but if I motored at my usual
cruising speed it would be touch and go so I would probably have to push the
engine a little harder than usual. The
engine would have been more than capable of doing this but the recent incident had
made me a little jittery so I decided against this course. My second option was to slow the speed down a
bit and spend another night a sea planning to arrive early morning
instead. The sailing conditions were
perfect for this so we had a peasant sail for the rest of the passage cruising
along at between 2 or 3 knots in lovely gentle conditions. It is in conditions just like this that I
have noticed a phenomenon that is rather peculiar. It may be just me but other sailors may have
noticed it as well. I first came across
it when I was involved in the Atlantic Rowing Challenge in 2007. When I was off watch lying in the aft cabin
as the boat gentle moved along I had the impression that I could hear people
talking. You know when you are on one
side of a door and you can hear people on the other side talking but not quite
loud enough to hear what they are saying, well it is just like that. It is the same on Celtic Dawn when the
conditions are right and there is not too much crashing about I hear these
strange noises that sound just like people talking. I can imagine what you are all thinking right
now, a bloke sailing all alone hearing imaginary voices! Well maybe you’re right I have been alone at
sea for sometime now.
mentioned there were two incidents that occurred whilst I was on passage. The second happened during the first night
about 35 - 40nm out of Madeira. I had
been dozing in my bunk for a while when the alarm for the AIS went off. I got up and looked at the chartplotter to identify
the ship that had caused the alarm. She was
20nm from my position and of no concern to me.
But while I was up I decided to go on deck to have a good look around
and as I got into the cockpit to my surprise there was a series of white, quick
flashing lights stretched out in front of me.
There were about 10 or 12 in total all in a line covering about a 2nm
range. I was startled for a moment
because I had checked my route on both the paper chart and the electronic chart
before I left and neither had shown any lights in this area. I started to think what they could be. They could not be fishing boats, as there
were no other navigation lights shown.
They could be fish farms I suppose but this far from land that was
unlikely. They could indicate a pipeline
but we were in 3000m of water so that was unlikely as well. But what ever they were I was closing in on one
of them fast. I went below to check the
charts again and confirmed that no lights were charted in this area. Back on deck again I took the wheel until we
had passed the one immediately ahead then reset my course and put Henry back in
control. Strangely enough the same thing
happened as I was closing La Palma.
About 35 - 40nm out a similar series of lights were visible and again they
were not charted. I have still not found
out what they were precisely but my theory is that they could be something to
do with approach lights for aircraft flying into Madeira and La Palma given
that both sets were in a straight line.
I will keep investigating until I find out the answer.
arrived at Santa Cruz at 8am on Saturday 7th November and after
obtaining permission to enter the harbour from harbour control I made my way to
the marina at the far end of the port. Santa Cruz is a fairly large commercial port
and also accommodates a lot of cruise liners.
In fact I had followed one into the harbour that morning and over the next
four days there were at least one or two cruise liners in every day. The marina is quite new and the facilities
good but it has one problem, which is noted in the pilot book and I can confirm
from personal experience. Even in calm
conditions there is a constant swell in the marina and it affects the whole of
the marina not just the pontoons near the entrance. It is strange because the marina is at the
far end of the port so it is well protected from the open sea and it also has
its own breakwater. But even so boats in
the marina are constantly moving around which puts a great deal of stress on
your lines and cleats. In fact, the
pilot book says that in bad conditions it is better to leave the marina and
take your chances at sea and although this course of action would not usually
be recommended, in this instance I can quite believe it might be the best thing
to do. Santa Cruz de la Palma is a nice
town to visit and I am glad I stopped here but it is not a place I would be inclined
to hang around in. It is one of those
towns I would describe as a “long weekender”.
Great for a couple of days but by then you will have seen everything
there is to see and it is time to move on.
There are two main streets that run parallel to each other full of the
usual toot shops and plenty of boutique clothes and shoe shops. Ann and Irene would love it! Of course the bars and restaurants are full
of the passengers from the cruise liners and you get the impression that the
whole place is set up just to cater for this particular trade. I had not taken much noticed on my first day
ashore but on the second day, as I visited a few of the bars and restaurants I
began to get a feeling that La Palma had a connection with Cuba in some
way. It was the photos and paintings on
the walls that first gave me this feeling and the music some of the bars played
reinforced this impression. There were
also one or two shops selling Havana cigars and one chap in the market place
rolling cigars and selling them to the tourists. My curiosity was finally satisfied when I
asked one of the barmen, who spoke particularly good English, if there was
indeed a connection with Cuba. The
answer I received was not quite what I was expecting. I thought it would be some historic connection
perhaps to do with the slave trade in some way or perhaps a long standing
trading connection. No, the actual
answer was much simpler than that. In
1952 Fulgencio Batista ran for the presidency of Cuba and facing a certain
electoral defeat he lead a military coup and made himself president. It is well know that he got into bed with the
American mafia and actively encouraged the building of hotels, casinos, restaurants
and associated businesses. Cuba and in
particular Havana, became the place to go to make money. A lot of people from the Canaries and in
particular La Palma, emigrated to Cuba to work or set up businesses. Everything was fine until 1959 when the
revolution led by Fidel Castro took control of Cuba and everyone fled the
country. Many of the people who had
emigrated from La Palma returned to the island and with their newly acquired
wealth brought up the best bars, restaurants and other local businesses. I detected from the inflection in his voice
that this had caused a degree of resentment from those who had remained on the
island and I can quite understand this.
To see people leaving La Palma for economic reasons then returning
because they had been kicked out of Cuba, now wealthy by comparison to the islands
population, buying up the good businesses, of course it must have been
difficult for those left behind to swallow.
I spent another couple of days in Santa Cruz de la Palma and left at 6am on
Wednesday 11th to make my way to San Sebastian harbour on the island
of La Gomera about 50nm SE of La Palma.
After a good days sailing I arrive that Marina La Gomera at 4pm tied up
the pontoon and felt like I had returned home.
I just love this place! I don’t
know what it is but it just feels comfortable, a place where I could spend time
and not get bored. San Sebastian is not
a big town but it has everything you need.
Plenty of bars and restaurants to keep you busy, a few twee clothes
shops, hardware shops, half a dozen supermarkets and a public market. A good place to lay up for a few weeks to
stock up on final provisions before the long haul. In fact I managed to acquire a vital piece of
equipment that has been missing from the boat ever since I left the UK. I have been on the lookout for these items for
ages and even in the big towns/cities I have visited despite searching hard I didn’t
find any anywhere. I had given up all
hope of finding any when suddenly, while I was rummaging around one of the
hardware stores in San Sebastian, there they were, six of them all nice and
shinny sitting on the shelf. Six nice
new sparkling martini glasses! Not only
that but there was a stainless steel cocktail shaker to replace the glass one
that I broke awhile back. So I brought
the lot and set off back to the boat in preparation for the evening’s cocktail
hour or two. As I sat in the cockpit
ice-cold martini in hand reflecting on the past six months I thought to myself
“life doesn’t get any better than this”!
Have I mentioned that before?
One of
the things I like about San Sebastian, and I suppose this goes for Spain in
general, is that family is important to them and families do things
together. Take last night for example,
Friday night. I decided to go out to eat
and as I was walking through the main town square you could see all the local
families out for the evening. Mum and
dad were siting outside one of the bars drinking coffee, beer or what ever was
their fancy and children of all ages were running around the square having a
thoroughly great time playing with their friends. They were making a bit of noise but not in an
unruly way and their parents never had to step in and tell them off or keep
them in check the children basically behaved themselves without being told. It was good because you never felt threatened
or even annoyed. The other thing you
never see is people drunk in the street despite alcohol being freely available.
I mean, every bar, café and restaurant,
and there are quite a few of them, sell alcohol but no one seems to abuse
it. If you go to any town center in the
UK on a weekend, sadly the situation is very different. The drinking culture amongst our young people
seems to be to get as drunk as you can as quickly as you can. Why is it that when it comes to alcohol we
get it so wrong?
enough of my soapbox talk I am off to the beach for a swim. Yes there are a couple of nice beaches here one
right by the marina and the other a short walk away. Unfortunately they are not made of beautiful golden
sand but rather black volcanic sand, which takes a bit of getting used to. The temperature here is still in the mid to
high 20°C although it has been a little cooler over the past few days because of
the tremendous winds that have been passing through. However, the temperature of the seawater is around 22°C. Your testacies still do that shrinking violate
thing though when the first wave hits your crotch but once you’re under the
water is lovely. Sorry, what’s that! Oh
the weather back in the UK is not all that good, ah pity!
I must
leave you now as I have things to do. I’ve
had my holiday so now its time to get to work and start to plan for the
crossing in earnest. First thing I need to
do is to work out a twenty-one day menu plan so I have an idea of what
provisions we need and make a shopping list.
Well it wasn’t going to be too long before I mentioned food again was
for now. Signing
off Ted Celtic Dawn moored at the marina in Santa Cruz de la Palma ![]() Some interior shots (looking aft) ![]() Looking For’ard ![]() Another view for'ard ![]() The galley doesn’t it look clean! ![]() The navigation station ![]() Another view |