34:33:37N 10:25:67W

Andrew Kimpton
Sat 7 Sep 2024 12:45
Friday 6th September our great adventure began.  Linda, Johnny, Paul, Louise and I left Lagos Marina Portugal with a perfect forecast of 4 to 5 winds and sunshine as we head off to Lanzarote Canary Isles. Quickly moved from shorts and T-shirts  to thermals and full wets.  The weather hadn't read the GRIB files; force 6 gusting into 7 with 2.5 to 3 metres waves and swell.  Fabulous clear, if somewhat chilly night with so many stars and a brilliant display from a meteor shower.  Spectacular display of sheet lightening over night and up till Saturday lunchtime.  The hail has now stopped and the horizon is starting to look blue.  Making really good progress and although back to a more leisurely pace, overnight we had a top speed of 11 knots and in one 2 hour period we travelled 18 nM.  All well with the boat and crew and looking forward to the first drink in the marina bar Lanzarote.