Wednesday, 21 June 2013, 09.00

Wed 21 Jun 2023 08:48
We’re anchored in the Helford. Peaceful, no wind and Action Penguin lying relaxed at anchor.

Yesterday, we continued to motor sail with both the main and Genoa, close hauled, on course for the Lizard but as the day advanced the wind continued to fall and we rolled the Genoa, which was flopping around and continued motor sailing using the main ar about 6 Kn.

As we got closer to the Western Approaches the amount of shipping increased, with often 3 - 4 ships appearing on the chart plotter at the same time. Closer to the Lizard we passed 3 large tankers anchored miles of shore ‘waiting instructions’.

With the current we were making 7 Kn but as the current turned foul and our speed dropped to 4.5 Kn plus we decided that we wouldn’t make Plymouth until close to midnight so changed direction and heading for the Helford. We were anchored in Ponsence Cove at 16.30. All feeling very satisfied with a good passage.

We poured ourselves a Bunnahabhain, Islay whisky, with a small beer chaser. Nectar. A present from Stu when he and Ben came out to Antigua. A bit light headed we got the dinghy ready and then chugged ashore to the Ferry Inn. Too late for grub but we had arranged to meet up with Andrew Brooks, my tennis chum from Chichester, with his partner, Caroline. They are living in Truro. Great to catch up.

Back, crashed out, enjoying a boat that was not moving anywhere.

50:05.44N 5:06.37W