Onward across Arnem Land
Thu 24 Jun 2010 23:45
Position 11.30S 136.08
After 3 days at anchorages in the islands we are
now on our way across the top of Arnem Land, heading for Port Essington on the
Coburg Peninsula.The wind is moderate, the sun is shining and life is
We had read about a passage through the Wessel
islands known as the Hole in the Wall. So called because it is 2 miles long and
only 60 meters wide. It must be frightening experience to go through at flood
tide when the water rushes through at 10 kts We did it at slack water. The 15
meter high limestone walls have been daubed with the names of Australian
warships that passed through over the years.
Ray's fishing urge was satisfied when we trolled
through a frenzy of feeding tuna and managed the hook and land a nice
northern blue fin.
Apart from Customs and the Navy the only other
motor boat we have seen since leaving Cape York was anchored next to us last
night. "Superr" (a place where you put your money) is a
small Nordhaven from Sydney doing a
circumnavigation of Australia.