Day 3 at Minerva

Sat 9 May 2009 00:36
Position, 23.55S 179.06W
Since we arrived at South Minerva Reef we've been
joined by at least 11 yachts in addition to the two Tongan fishing trawlers that
are hear to catch lobster while there is a full moon. As their small boat zoomed
past us yesterday we had Ben who we've appointed ambassador for Tongan affairs
primed to offer a boottle of rum for a few lobster, but unfortunately they
didn't stop. Maybe today if we are lucky.
We had our first dinner party on board last nighr
and even pulled out the real glass glasses so that Don from Harmonie could fix
us some decent American style cocktails. He refused to use my year old large
bottle of tonic from Panama which was lucky. Fizzy drinks in large plastic
bottles are a dead loss, and even cans of beer go off quite quickly. Our
lazarette, the big storage area below the aft deck, currently smells like a
brewery due to a couple of cans bursting in a rough sea.
We woke to a pretty bouncy sea in the lagoon this
morning--fairly strong wind from the west as forecast by Bruce accompanied by a
full tide spilling over the reef. As last nights dishes started to tumble over I
ejected from bed at 6 am which turned out to be a wise decision as lying in a
bouncing bed will guarantee a headache and queasy